Over thirty five years ago we (Mark and Joy) took a vow to love and cherish until death do us part. That vow was sorely tested through years of alcohol addiction for Mark. Through that long and difficult journey we learned what it was to surrender and entrust everything and all that we are to a God who hears our cries. The two of us, plus our three oldest children are healed but the faint scars remind us of God’s mercy and grace so present and needed in our lives. To learn more about God’s faithfulness during that time you can read, “Waiting for My Beloved; Lessons from a Wife Who Chose to Stay,” (Moody Publishing).
You can also watch the short, ten minute video below.
Over ten years ago we adopted a feisty, little Ukrainian who had known great trauma and abuse. Through that journey we discovered more intimately and deeply God’s beautiful redeeming love and how we all, at times, act as if we have no father who keeps His faithful watch over our lives.
Through our tears, trials and testing we have found the greatest joy and peace lies firmly in an intimate relationship with Christ. We saw the importance of rest. We experienced the value of wise counsel. We realized it takes time to heal – physically, spiritually and mentally. All that we have walked through was so very necessary in order that we might desire that God be glorified in our lives above all else.
After years of praying, God answered our desire to provide a place for the wearied and wounded by blessing us with the ministry of Rest and Restore. It brings us great joy to invite others into this holy and sacred space. When we aren’t mowing grass, planting flowers, feeding livestock or meeting with individuals at Rest and Restore we can usually be found doling out hugs and kisses to our six grandchildren.
We hope to meet you soon,
Grace & Peace, Mark & Joy McClain
“He restores my soul.”
The Hebrew word translated “restore,” in Psalm 23 is a word that is most often translated “return,” in the Old Testament. As one returns to God, He restores their soul back to it’s resting place.
God is the one who meets the very deepest, inner most spiritual and emotional part of us. By His perfect design we were created to be filled by Him. In His presence and through His Word we receive healing for our wounds, weariness and brokenness. His heart is for us and He longs to restore us to a place of rest, removing the yoke of our burdens,
“Come to me, all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.” Matt. 11:28
To be restored in Him is to be refreshed by Him and to rest in Him. Jesus knew this and we should follow His example of returning to God for the purpose of being refreshed, healed and prepared for what He has for us. We were meant to be in nature and in communion with our Creator. The frantic pace of our lives can leave us exhausted, empty and discouraged. When we set aside time to be refreshed and restored our mind and bodies receive encouragement from the Great Shepherd who leads us beside the still waters of rest.
When the soul grows sorrowful He revives it; when it is sinful He sanctifies it; when it is weak He strengthens it. – Charles H. Spurgeon

Joy Mcclain
Mark Mcclain